Today's is the General Election Day for Singapore and Mummy needs to vote, so early this morning at 8am I walked with Mummy to the Primary School next door to cast her vote. It's was drizzling but that didn't stopped us from going there early cause we need to go town and meet auntie Lynn at Paragon later this afternoon for lunch.
Around 10.30am, Dad gives us a ride to Paragon. It's was still drizzling and since we are early for our appointment with Auntie Lynn, we crossed over to Takashimaya to check out this huge lotus made from used & recycled paper.
It is really difficult to access to the venue as the Organiser has blocked the ramp access to the lotus display area and Mummy has to carry me down the steps. Then, there is this nice lady whom has told Mummy and I that we can go ahead to take pictures if we want but as we walked round the lotus, another lady stopped us from taking pictures and said "Please go around and come back to take the picture later..."

We are surprised with such strange arrangement and I kept asking Mummy why we can't takes more pictures now? Why we are allowed earlier? Mummy is also wondering to herself, she kept quite for a moment before replying me gently that "Maybe there is a big shot as in VIP coming so we can't takes any pictures now"
In the end, we left the place feeling very unhappy and our mood is also very much damped by the wet weather as well as this unpleasant arrangement.
Labels: Singapore