Saturday, June 28, 2008

In search for Henderson Waves

from Alkaff bridge 1997 to Alexandra Arch and Henderson Waves 2008...what an achievement! Nice walk too.

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Friday, June 20, 2008

fried carrot cake

Went to AMK central with Mom as she needs to run some errands.

We had our lunch at the AMK hawker centre. Honestly speaking, I don't like to eat at hawker centre or kopitiam as I really can't take the heat but not a good excuse and Mom will never give in despite my on going protest.

Anyway, Mom knows best. If she compromise on one thing but she will "compensate" with another. So she ordered my favourite local fair --- FRIED CARROT CAKE WITH BLACK SWEET SAUCE. I eat with delightment anyway.

That's not all, she bought me a cup of ice milo too! What a treat! No complaint for now...

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Monday, June 09, 2008

It's here...bravo DHL

Update @ 10:11pm - all 18 items and I've got the most booty...ha! ha! Thank you, Dad & Mum!
Yay! It's here finally...

This is the first time Mom ordered some stuffs from US and it's just arrived before we leaving for the market. Can't wait for Dad to be home tonight for the grand opening ceremony, after all Dad is the big payer.

Now, Mom don't need to relay on Spree anymore. We can get stuffs and deliver directly to our door step. Good job, CB, Borderlinx & DHL.

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Sunday, June 08, 2008

Beautiful Sunday

Note from MOM:
I heard of this song but never make any effort to remember its I KNOW.
Anyway, search in youtube & voila!

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Thursday, June 05, 2008

moi favourite song now...YELLE Amour Du Sol

Mommy was surfing online and suddenly I heard this song coming from her room...I shouted & said "Mom! nice song..." So she helped me to local this song from and paste the player (but not working, so she use then) on my blog, to share with you.

The lyrics by is also obtained from


Amour du corps, amour du "flor", amour de la sueur,
Amour des cases sur le sol de toutes les couleurs,
Amour sans question, amour simple, amour pour le coeur,
Je suis en trance comme dit Didier c'est ce qu'il y a de meilleur.

Frappe tes mains, bouge ton corps, c'est comme ca que ca vient
Maillots de bain, maillots de corps, ca nous va si bien
Je chante en Francais des ann�es 80, je n'aime pas le pass�
mais c'�tait quand m�me bien Danse
Tu t'en moque de ce que je dis, je vais quand m�me pas faire un po�me pour
danser que les choses soit claires.
Je n'arrive pas � penser dans ces moment la.
Je me laisse aller, j'fais l'vide autour de moi.


Dis, tu m'offres un cacollac, pour me donne la gniac
Tu m'pr�sentes les DJ's,de cette super belle boite
Je suis s�re de les connaitre, ils �taient dans ma fac,
mais ils ne parlaient qu'aux mec, j'trouvais ca super "what".
Tu m'passes ton bandana, il est vraiment trop smart,
Si j'vais les voir comme ca, j'aurai pt'etre un plan class
Pour qu'ils viennent mixer chez moi � la prochaine danse class,
Devant toutes mes copines on va bouger nos "ass"


C'est gai, c'est frais, �a me plait, c'est vrai,
c'est fait, �a non, c'est chouette, ah ouais
on danse encore, ah ouai, t'es s�r, ouais ouais,
on fait l'amour, apres , t'es s�re, ouais ouais


PS: I don't know what those "�" means, I guessed most probably is the symbol or something...

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Sunday, June 01, 2008

Happy Parent's Day